March 4, 2016

The Best Tooth Replacement Option Available

Dr. Chilcoat @ 11:00 am

tooth replacementLosing a tooth is a common occurrence, whether due to injury, decay, or gum disease. Once a tooth is lost, you lose 10 percent of your chewing ability. Not to mention, when left untreated, the tooth loss will lead to the destruction of bone and gum. Your oral health and quality of life can drastically decrease just from one missing tooth. Thankfully, you have many tooth replacement options. Of the most preferred option for tooth replacement is a dental implant. Dental implants are a permanent way to fill the gap from a missing tooth, while producing many additional benefits.

Tooth Replacement Options

Often, when a tooth is lost, many turn to dental bridges to fill the missing space. While dental bridges are effective, they are not a permanent solution. Overtime, you will have to have the bridge replaced. Plus, bridges don’t offer the same chewing ability and function as an implant. In addition, they can cause complications, such as decay, to surrounding teeth. While bridges are the more affordable option upfront, they are more expensive in the long run.

A dental implant on the other hand, is a long-term investment, while offering the same functions and abilities as your own natural teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants allow you to permanently fill the space of a missing tooth using the next best thing to your own natural teeth. An implant allows you to regain your biting and chewing ability by as much as 70 percent. In addition, they look and function like natural teeth. Caring for dental implants is easy, simply brush and floss as you care for your natural teeth. There’s no need to take it out for cleanings. Be sure to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

In addition, an implant is a long term investment. Once implanted, the tooth is there to stay. You won’t have to have a new tooth made in a few years, and you don’t have to worry about losing because it will never be removed. Plus, you’ll save costs on future dental care as the implant isn’t subject to decay and won’t cause complications to surrounding teeth or structures.

Of the greatest benefits of an implant is the fact it helps preserve gum, bone, and supporting structures. Once a tooth has been lost, bone begins to deteriorate at a rate of 25 percent just in the first year. This is due to lack of stimulation. However, with an implant, the bone will be stimulated to stop bone loss and even encourage new bone growth.

Dental Implant with Texas Wisdom Teeth

Dental implant surgery is highly successful and fairly simple. Your dentist will insert a titanium post into the jaw bone. Once the jaw bone has healed around the tooth, the prosthetic tooth is inserted. With the proper care, roughly 97 percent of implants last nearly 50 years.

As a leading dental implant specialist in Dallas, we are able to restore your missing tooth quickly and efficiently through comprehensive care. Call today to see if you’re a candidate for an implant.

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