April 26, 2012

Floss or Die? Well… Maybe.

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:52 am

Can a dirty mouth really cause your demise? Some dental experts think it can. Many of us consider our dental health as secondary to our overall health.  When faced with tough financial times, people often avoid needed dental care.  Some of us aren’t very good about keeping our teeth and gums clean at home, either.

While no death certificates have been written out with “rotten teeth” as the cause of death, bad oral hygiene and procrastination when it comes to seeing a dentist can actually lead to some very serious health problems.  Of course, missing a dental appointment or infrequent flossing isn’t going to kill you. Harmful bacteria associated with gum disease and tooth decay can contribute to some serious health conditions you may not be aware of.

Most of us are aware that poor dental hygiene leads to tooth decay, periodontal disease, bad breath and eventually tooth loss. Gum disease and tooth loss is such a serious problem that hundreds of thousands of people undergo a dental implant procedure to replace missing teeth every year.  With a dentist or a dental specialist on almost every city street, it should be easy for people to practice preventive maintenance and avoid serious and expensive problems which require gum surgery or a dental implant procedure.

Most of us are not aware that poor dental hygiene can cause more serious problems than tooth loss. High levels of the dangerous bacteria that cause periodontal (gum) disease can also contribute to or cause atherosclerosis (blockage of carotid artery), heart disease, respiratory problems and diabetes. While missing a dental appointment or not flossing regularly is not going to cause you to have a heart attack, allowing dental problems to go untreated can contribute to serious health problems.  This handy infographic explains it all.
Floss or Die Infographic
Via: YourLocalSecurity.com


Lesson Learned:  Brushing your teeth every day and seeing your dentist for preventive treatment every six months will keep your mouth healthy.  Added bonus:  Maybe, just maybe good oral health habits will save your life!

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