February 21, 2013

Moms Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal During Spring Break

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:45 pm

Being a mom is a thankless job a lot of the time.  It’s a good thing we don’t do it for recognition, we do it out of love!  Raising teenagers is especially trying, especially when it comes to balancing what they want with what they need.  Although you probably won’t be nominated for  the “Mom of the Year” award when you schedule your teenager for wisdom teeth removal surgery, you can make sure that the experience is as easy and as painless as possible for both you and your teen.

This time of year, we at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants start seeing a lot of teenagers whose dentists and orthodontists have recommended wisdom tooth surgery in order to prevent dental crowding, gum disease and other dental conditions.  Because having wisdom teeth extracted most often involves a period of recovery time and at least one day missed from school, we find that school breaks like Spring Break and Summer Vacation are especially popular times for teens to have the third molars removed.

This year, most Dallas area school districts are closed for the Spring holiday from March 11-15.  We are reserving extra time for wisdom teeth patients during Spring Break, and are scheduling these appointments now.  Here is what your teen can expect when it’s time to have their wisdom teeth extracted:

  • Easy scheduling!  We can work with your schedule to make a plan that works for you and your student.
  • Our caring and friendly team understands the fear and apprehension many people experience when facing oral surgery.  We know nobody WANTS to have oral surgery, but we can help make it easy and comfortable.
  • Sleep through it!  Our patients appreciate being able to sleep right through their oral surgery, never having to deal with injections, noise or anything remotely uncomfortable during treatment.
  • Knowledgeable clinicians and staff to answer all your questions and help you understand your treatment.
  • Acceptance of most dental insurance plans to help you save the most money on oral surgery.
  • Special “one low fee” pricing on wisdom teeth surgery for patients who don’t have the benefit of insurance coverage for the procedure.
  • Interest free financing for oral surgery procedures
  • Personalized patient care that keeps you in control.  Your teen can choose their own pre and post operative entertainment, select their favorite flavor for exam gloves and they will even get to choose their favorite ice cream upon their in-office recovery from surgery.

If you know you have to schedule your student for oral surgery or wisdom teeth extraction this spring, don’t wait until it’s upon us, go ahead and make your reservation now in order to take advantage of our special rates, extended schedule and the fact that they won’t miss any school.

We’re here when you are ready!




February 7, 2013

Top 10 Dental Pins On Pinterest- And Some Honorable Mentions We Love

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:36 pm


Pinterest is a website giant in the world of social media.  Do you Pinterest?  Dental offices and dental specialists all over the country are having a great time on Pinterest, sharing information, dental educational tools and silly dentist jokes.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implant, we wanted to find out what some of the most popular dental related “pins” on Pinterest are.  Here is our Top 10 List of Dental Pins on Pinterest, for your enjoyment!  Feel free to share these if you like and pin, pin, pin!

# 10 Dental Cookie Cupcakes 162 Repins!

dental cookie cupcakes

By Ellie’s Bites










#9 Dental Office Parking, 168 Repins

Dental Office Parking Only Sign

Dental Office Parking Only











Get it here: http://www.MyParkingSign.com

#8 The Worst Job In The World!  164 Repins

Dental Cartoon The Worst Job in the World

found on unique dental care.com











#7 No Grinding!  231 Repins




No Grinding Dental Cartoon

No Grinding Dental Cartoon repinned 231 times
















#6 I Want YOU To Brush




I want you to brush your teeth poster

Our #6 Popular Dental Pin has been Repinned 233 times!

















#5 Home Remedies To Alleviate Dental Pain-  308 Repins!




Toothache Picture

#5 “Home Remedies for Dental Pain” 308 Repins

















#4 Flossing With Legos  352 Repins




Flossing With Legos photo

#4 has been repinned 352 times we got it from abcand123learning.com
















#3 Dental Education and Marshmallow Teeth  354 Repins




Marshmallow Teeth Project- Ironic?

Does anybody else thing that making teeth from marshmallows for a class project is ironic? 354 people repinned this one.


















#2 I Can Brush My Teeth! 398 Repins




I Can Brush My Teeth Dental Educational Project

#2 Has been repinned 398 times from lessonplandiva.com

















#1  Dental Office or Museum Exhibit? 407 Repins




Dental office or museum exhibit?

I’ve heard this is actually an exhibit at a science museum. Who knows?














Honorable Mentions:

While being the most popular on Pinterest is a great thing, here are some pins we love even though they haven’t been re-pinned 100’s of times (yet).   Hope you enjoy!

Dental Nostalgia ad for Cocaine Tooth Drops

Dental Nostalgia Dental History advertisement








Do It Yourself Tooth Extraction

Do It Yourself Tooth Extraction









Dental Implant vs. Bridge Infographic

Dental Implant vs. Bridge Infographic




































peace love and dental hygiene

Peace, Love, Dental Hygiene