Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants Blog

August 21, 2013

Are Your Dentures Making You Look Old?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:53 pm

Missing teeth are a cause for concern for millions of Americans.  In fact, 69% of adults have lost at least one permanent tooth.  By age 74, 26% of adults will have lost all their teeth.  The traditional solution to missing teeth is a full denture.  A denture is a removable prosthetic appliance designed to fit over the edentulous (toothless) jaw to replace the natural teeth.

Dentures Are Not Very Functional

Is It Time To Ditch Your Denture?

Many people with damaged and decayed teeth assume that the solution to ending their discomfort and expensive dental bills is to remove all the teeth and wear a denture.  All too often, patients who have tried this approach find out the hard way that a denture does not look, function or feel like natural teeth, and it rarely solves the problem the way they had hoped.  In fact, many denture patients find that rather than solve their dental problems, they have just traded them for a new set of problems.

Common Denture Problems

Dysfunctional dentures are common, especially in patients who have been missing their teeth for a long time.  Because your jaw maintains it’s size and shape only when there are natural teeth present in the bone, edentulous patients find that their jaw changes size and shape considerably over time.  The unstimulated jaw bone shrinks away and the process is accelerated when a denture is sitting atop the gums applying pressure on a constant basis through normal activity like eating and talking.  As the jaw bone shrinks, the denture becomes loose or does not fit properly.  In a mild case, the denture can be adjusted or relined in order to create a better fit, but the process will continue in a vicious cycle until the jaw bone has receded so severely that it can no longer hold a denture in place, even with denture adhesives.

In addition to loose dentures, many patients find that it is impossible to eat the foods they used to enjoy.  Biting and chewing can become difficult because a denture does not provide the stability and strength of natural teeth.  Some patients also complain of problems such as denture sores and painful dentures.

How Dentures Make You Look Old

bone loss with dentures

Loss of Vertical Dimension

The physical changes in the jaw which occur with the loss of the permanent teeth affect more than function.  They affect appearance as well.  As the jaw bone shrinks, the face changes shape.  As the bite changes, the jaws no longer come together properly.  Over time, the distance between the nose and the chin shortens in a condition called “loss of vertical dimension”.  It is the shrinkage of the jaw that causes the hollow, overclosed and sunken facial appearance that makes a person look much older than they really are.

How To Restore Dental Function, Facial Appearance and Ditch Your Denture For Good

Dental implants have long been favored by dentists and oral surgeons as the most reliable, natural and functional way to replace missing teeth.  Advances in implant dentistry make it possible for almost any denture-wearer to regain dental function and stop the progression of bone loss in the jaws.  Because dental implants are placed directly into the jaw bone, they act as a synthetic tooth root, stimulating the bone and preventing the progression of loss of vertical dimension.   Reliable and predictable, dental implants are 97% successful over 50 years.  This means that there is a very strong likelihood that tooth replacement with dental implants will last you the rest of your life. Providing a strong foundation for restoration of a complete dental arch, implants restore a patient’s ability to bite and chew unencumbered.  In addition, appearance is preserved, comfort and functionality are restored.  Dental implant patients never have to worry that their denture is going to click, slip or fall out during normal activity.

For more information about whether ditching your denture for dental implants is the best option for you, click here.


Statistics provided by AAOMS http://www.aaoms.org/conditions-and-treatments/dental-implants/

August 14, 2013

Advances in Bone Grafting For Dental Implants: Read This Before You Have A Dental Bone Grafting Procedure

Dr. Chilcoat @ 12:22 pm

dental implantIf you have done any research on your own about dental implants and replacing missing teeth, then you know that often times, the jaw bone must be prepared to hold an implant with a mysterious procedure called a “bone graft”.  It sounds very scary, and you might find yourself imagining all sorts of scenarios that might explain exactly what bone grafting is.  The truth is, dental bone grafting is a very delicate and advanced treatment which is designed to restore both the width and the height of the jaw bone, which may have been lost due to tooth loss, periodontal disease or other disease or trauma.

Know Your Bone Graft Lingo

There are as many ways to perform a bone graft as there are oral surgeons.  There are also hundreds of products available which all promise to deliver an excellent bone graft result.  In truth, most bone grafting products are sufficient for use under certain circumstances.  When it comes to your jaw bone and the success of your dental implant procedure, it is important that you understand the differences in available treatments so you can make the decision that is best for you.

Advances In Dental Bone Grafting- Platelet Rich Fibrin

platelet rich fibrin in dental bone grafting

Platelet Rich Fibrin in Dental Bone Grafting

For many years, orthopedic surgeons have used platelet rich fibrin (PRF), a substance extracted from a patient’s own blood, to help give the healing process a jump start when performing surgery on bone. PRF stimulates bone growth, soft tissue growth, and promotes healing.  Using PRF in oral surgery procedures is a cutting edge, advanced procedure which has proven to drastically impact the success of dental bone grafting procedures.  When used in a bone graft, sinus lift procedure or ridge augmentation procedure, growth factors in PRF provide a naturally occurring kick start to the healing process, instantly providing the equivalent of up to 3 days healing time.

PRF can also be used in soft tissue grafting and tooth extraction sockets, including wisdom teeth, to reduce healing time and prevent dry sockets.

Bone grafts performed utilizing this advanced technique demonstrate more predictable results, more successful grafts and faster healing.  Ask about PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) before you have a bone grafting procedure performed.  If your oral surgeon does not utilize PRF in grafting procedures, give Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants a call.

Using Your Own Bone

The preferred method of bone grafting involves using either a combination of donor bone and your own live bone cells, or just your own bone in the grafting material.  Just as in anything else, your own cells are the most effective, reliable, and likely to succeed.  The bone used in a graft is most often taken from the back of the jaw (where your wisdom teeth used to be) or the chin.  In some cases, where more bone is needed, it can be taken from the hip or knee.  The procedure to obtain bone particles for your graft is delicate and obtained without significant trauma using a state of the art instrument called a piezo-electric machine.  Using this method reduces trauma to the donor site and provides bone particles in the perfect consistency for dental bone grafting.

Human Donor Bone

Human donor bone is demineralized and sterilized leaving behind an organic scaffold through which your new bone cells will grow.  It is most often obtained from human cadavers, but bovine bone can also be used.  In minor grafting procedures, human donor bone is often recommended.

Synthetic Bone Grafting Material

Synthetic grafting material is usually composed of a combination of one or more of the following: hydroxyapatite and calcium sulfate.  These materials are sometimes used by dentists after tooth extraction to preserve the socket.  Synthetic bone is typically not resorbed by the body, and acts as a scaffold for new bone cells to ingrow.  Using a synthetic graft prior to a dental implant is not recommended by some oral surgeons.

Bone Grafting Consultation

Doing your own research online is a great way to gather information about a bone grafting procedure.  The best way to gather information about your own individual case is to seek the professional consultation of an oral surgeon.  Schedule your consultation appointment today, and make sure you claim your certificate for a FREE consultation and panoramic x-ray on our home page.

July 22, 2013

Not All Bone Grafts Are Created Equal- Advanced Bone Grafting For Dental Implants

Dr. Chilcoat @ 7:18 am
sinus bone graft for implants

Sinus Bone Graft For Implants

Dental implants are the most successful and dependable form of tooth replacement, but if you have been missing teeth for a long time, your jaw bone structure may no longer be sufficient to support implants.

Your jaw bone is supported and stimulated by the presence of natural teeth.  When teeth are lost, the bone changes shape.  With no tooth root to stimulate the bone, it begins to recede and shrink.  If bone loss has advanced significantly, there will not be enough bone depth or width to support tooth replacement with dental implants.  In cases like this, a bone grafting procedure is required in order to build the bone structure up enough to successfully support implants.

Bone Grafting Procedure

Bone grafting is both an art and a science.  It is important to utilize bone grafting techniques which promote optimal growth of new bone cells.  Dr. Robert A. Weinstein of Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants has had very good success in advanced bone grafting using the most up to date and modern grafting techniques.

Dr. Weinstein has found that while there are many bone grafting products available such as demineralized human bone, bovine bone and even synthetic hydroxylapetite, the most successful bone grafting procedures are those in which the patient’s own bone is used in the grafting procedure.  Nothing is accepted by the body as readily as a patient’s own bone.  The transfer of live bone cells into an environment with good blood supply is important to bone graft success.  In addition, elements taken from a patient’s blood and combined with growth factor medications help the grafted area to heal and begin producing new bone cells faster.

This technique is especially successful in more complex grafting procedures such as ridge widening grafts and sinus lift grafts.

For more information about advanced dental bone grafting techniques, and whether a bone grafting procedure can make it possible for you to restore missing teeth, contact the office of Dr. Robert A. Weinstein today.


July 8, 2013

Bad Teeth Out- New Teeth In: Permanent, Fixed Teeth In One Day

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:17 am

Do you think you are stuck with damaged, decayed and painful teeth?  Dental implants may be one of the most well-known and sought after treatments for permanent tooth replacement, but the preconceptions that go along with implants often prevent perfect candidates from cashing in on this life-improving treatment.

Some misconceptions and pre-conceptions about dental implants cause people to continue to suffer with painful, damaged teeth, ill-fitting dentures and a lifetime of soft, easy to chew foods.  Here are some dental implant myths and why you should look further into finding out if replacing your teeth in a day is right for you.

  1. Dental implants take too long to completion

For most patients who have the goal of replacing a mouth full of painful, decayed teeth, the treatment time is faster than you think.  Did you know that using the All On Four dental implants technique allows you to have your damaged teeth removed, dental implants placed and new teeth fixed to the implants in just one day?  It’s true.  While some patients may need more complex treatment such as bone grafting before implants can be placed, for most people the treatment can be completed in just one day.

2.  Dental Implants Are Too Expensive

Dental implants are comparable in price to crowns and bridges when it comes to full mouth replacement.   In fact, most patients agree that over time, tooth replacement with dental implants is more cost-effective than other treatment options.  This is because once placed in the jaw, a dental implant will remain stable and solid for the rest of your life 97% of the time.  The failure rate for implants is low, and the lifespan for them is long.  Another way to gauge the cost effectiveness of dental implants is to consider the impact on your quality of life.  Is it worth a financial investment to you to regain confidence in your smile?  How about having the ability to enjoy the foods you love?  Dentures are less expensive than dental implants, but they require replacement about every 6 years.  This is due, in part, to the fact that wearing dentures quickens the loss of bone structure in the jaws, which leads to loss of vertical dimension (also known as pucker-face).

3.  Dental implants are painful

Like any surgical procedure, dental implant surgery does involve some degree of discomfort.  Patients sleep through the procedure, eliminating the discomfort of having dental work performed, and wake up pain free because of the local anesthetic used during surgery.  When the numbness wears off, patients will experience post -operative soreness and mild to moderate pain, which is usually controlled with prescription medication.  Most patients report that the discomfort associated with having a dental implant placed is much less than that of having a tooth extracted, and even less than a toothache.  In the majority of dental implant patients, discomfort is easily controlled with an over the counter analgesic such as Advil or Tylenol after the first couple of days.


Are Same Day Dental Implants Right For you?

There is only one way to find out.  Schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon, like Dr. Robert A. Weinstein, today.  You can download a coupon for a free consultation and x-ray here.  If you find that you are a good candidate for full mouth replacement with All On Four dental implants, our team will work with you to help alleviate your apprehensions about time, cost and recovery.  We can assist you with payment plans and even travel assistance if you are traveling to Dallas for your dental implant treatment.

You can regain the quality of life you thought you left behind.  Eat, laugh, talk and smile again with confidence.  The first step is yours, we will walk you through the rest.


July 1, 2013

Have You Heard of Full Mouth Implants In a Day?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:43 am

Dental patients across Texas are searching for the best way to replace missing teeth without dentures.  For many, the All On Four implant technique is the answer to struggling with painful or ill-fitting dentures.

How Does All On Four Work?

all on 4 dental implants

Full mouth replacement with only 4 dental implants

When all the teeth are missing, an entire dental arch (upper or lower set of teeth) can be replaced using just four precisely positioned dental implants.  Four implants are surgically placed in the jaw.  A provisional prosthesis (hybrid denture) is fitted and installed on the dental implants allowing for the patient to achieve immediate dental restoration.  This means that a patient can walk into the office with no teeth or a mouth full of damaged teeth, and leave with a brand new beautiful set of permanent teeth.

Treatment with the All On Four technique is highly specialized and requires a team approach which consists of an experienced surgeon, a restorative dentist and a dental lab technician.  The team works together, each providing expertise in their own area of specialization to achieve same day dental implant results.

Where Can You Get All On 4?

While the technique has been practiced for more than 10 years, and has become well known as the premiere dental treatment for tooth replacement, expertise in the All On 4 technique is not as widespread as with single tooth dental implants.  Patients in Texas must travel to a major city in order to receive the treatment.  Traveling to Dallas can be a smart decision when pursuing full mouth dental implants.  The All On Four technique provides some considerable advantages

  • Fixed teeth (attached to the implants) are delivered on the day of surgery
  • Fewer implants means more cost-effective treatment
  • A team approach, providing expertise in a multi-specialty setting
  • Dental implants are the best available treatment for missing teeth

Interested In Finding Out If All On 4 Is Right For You?

The best way to find out if the all on four dental implant technique is the best option for your full mouth replacement is to schedule a consultation appointment.  At your consultation you will have the opportunity to have a personal one on one conversation with your doctor to establish your dental goals and discuss options for treatment.  If the All On 4 technique is the best option for you, our doctors and team will work with you to plan for the treatment, assist with budgeting for costs and create a timeline for treatment.  If you are traveling to Dallas for the procedure, our team will be happy to assist you with everything from booking travel to arranging for a hotel stay.  We can even have your prescriptions delivered to your hotel.

Want More Information About All On Four?

Give us a call today and speak with our dental implant treatment coordinator.  You can reach us by phone at 972-960-111, via email at care@texaswisdom.com or via live chat right on our website.




June 23, 2013

How To Save Money On Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Texas

Dr. Chilcoat @ 5:51 pm

Your dentist has recommended that you have your wisdom teeth removed, and you are likely nervous about having oral surgery.  You are not alone!  Most people have some very valid concerns about having wisdom teeth surgery, and at the top of the list is often the cost of oral surgery.

Don’t Panic About Oral Surgery

Save Money on Wisdom Teeth in TXThe cost of any surgery is a reason for concern.  The first thing to do when planning your procedure is a little research.  Online research is probably what has led you to this article, so good for you!  Information on surgery prices can be a little hard to find online.  At the Dallas oral surgery offices of Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, we post the fees for some of our most popular procedures right on our website in order to make it easy for you to plan for the cost of surgery.  To compare prices on wisdom teeth extraction in Texas, you can conduct a search using this tool:


Cost estimates vary widely, but the average cost Nationwide is about $1650-$2300.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, patients can receive a package fee of $1185, which includes exam, xrays, surgical removal of up to 4 wisdom teeth and IV General Anesthesia.  This special price is available all summer long and is available to patients who are not utilizing insurance benefits.


Maximize Your Dental Coverage To Save On Oral Surgery

If you have dental coverage, make sure you understand your plan and utilize the benefits to maximize your coverage.  Use an “In-Network” provider to receive special discounts on fees.  Make sure you have not depleted your annual benefit before having surgery.  Most dental plans will cap the amount they will pay on your behalf in a calendar year.  If you are not sure about how your plan works, talk to your HR representative before moving forward with surgery.  To learn more about how to maximize dental insurance for wisdom teeth removal, read this special report.


Consider Your Financing Options For Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Many dental offices and oral surgeons offer special financing options for patients in order to help spread the cost of oral surgery out over time.  Many financing plans offer low or no-interest plans.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, we offer no interest payment plans for 6 months on wisdom teeth removal.  For more information on payment plans for oral surgery, click here.

Consider Traveling To A Lower Cost Area To Save On Wisdom Teeth Removal

Fees for services such as wisdom teeth extraction vary depending on geographical areas.  If you live in an area where healthcare costs are high, consider traveling to a surgeon in a lower cost area.  Patients across Texas travel to Dallas to save money on wisdom teeth removal.  We see patients from Waco, Sherman, Midland and even as far away as Austin.  You might find that the cost of driving to Dallas and spending a night in a hotel is worthwhile if your savings is several hundred dollars or more.  If you are traveling to Dallas for wisdom teeth removal, our helpful team can assist you in finding accommodations near our office.  As an added bonus, patients who have their oral surgery at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants can claim a voucher for FREE Companion Airfare anywhere in the contiguous United States while our supplies last!  Talk about savings!  Not only can you save on the cost of surgery, but you can save on a future vacation as well.

With a little research and planning, you can save money on the cost of wisdom teeth extraction.  The team at Texas Wisdom Teeth Associates in Dallas can help.  Give us a call today to schedule your consultation appointment.


Free consultation and panoramic x-ray coupon


June 10, 2013

Why Did My Orthodontist Recommend Wisdom Tooth Extraction This Summer?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 7:59 am


Save money on wisdom teeth removal

Summer Wisdom Teeth Special

Your teen has been in braces for three years, and it has truly been a labor of love to make sure they got to all their appointments on schedule.  Your bank account likely reflects that the cost of raising a child is estimated at over $200,000 over a lifetime.  Kids are expensive, and so is orthodontic treatment.  Now, your child’s orthodontist has recommended that his wisdom teeth be removed this summer.  Your teen’s wisdom teeth are not hurting him, so why the big rush to do surgery?  This article is not meant to scare you or sensationalize the risks of avoiding wisdom teeth extraction.

Should some wisdom teeth be left alone? Absolutely!  Should you ignore a recommendation for wisdom teeth surgery?  Absolutely not!  Here is why you should definitely have a consultation with an oral surgeon if your child’s orthodontist has recommended wisdom teeth removal.

Your Orthodontist Is Not Crazy, He’s Protecting Your Investment

impacted wisdom teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth

I know, that title sounds like a pitch, but the fact is, there are numerous reasons that wisdom teeth might be recommended for extraction, even when there are no painful symptoms associated with them. Let’s take a minute to discuss some of the proactive indications for removal of wisdom teeth.

  • Your orthodontist has a greater chance of success and ease of treatment moving the molar teeth when the wisdom teeth are not obstructing the path. When the wisdom teeth are impacted or partially erupted, they are often positioned right behind or under the second molars.  These second molars cannot be moved easily or effectively with the wisdom teeth causing an obstruction.
  • Once the braces are removed, the teeth are free to shift back into malposition.  Removing the wisdom teeth helps prevent orthodontic relapse and dental crowding once the braces are removed.  Incidentally, diligent use of the retainer all the way past age 25 is recommended for prevention of orthodontic relapse.
  • Malpositioned wisdom teeth can cause damage to the adjacent teeth.  Some of the damage that can be caused by malpositioned wisdom teeth includes tooth decay, gum disease and loss of bone around the second molars.
  • Wisdom teeth can develop destructive pathology.  Cysts, tumors and other pathology sometimes forms around an impacted wisdom tooth.  Pathology such as this may be completely asymptomatic for a very long time.  Once symptoms, pain, swelling develop, a cyst or tumor has usually already done damage to the jaw bone and/or teeth.
  • Even erupted wisdom teeth are very hard to keep clean.  Inadequate dental hygiene due to difficulty of access to the wisdom teeth can cause tooth decay and gum disease, putting other teeth at risk for damage and tooth loss.

What Happens If I Just Wait Until The Wisdom Teeth Cause Pain?

Your orthodontist is trained to identify the potential for future problems with the teeth as well as

damage to adjacent tooth

Impacted tooth on lower has caused decay in adjacent tooth

diagnose and treat current problems.  When your orthodontist recommends wisdom tooth extraction, it is typically for one of the reasons listed above.  The only thing in it for the orthodontist is the satisfaction of a job well, done.  He doesn’t earn any compensation for sending your child off to have their wisdom teeth removed, he honestly just wants to give you the best advice possible, and protect your investment of money, time and energy, which are all spent in straightening a teenager’s teeth.  If you received a recommendation for wisdom teeth extraction, and decide to wait until symptoms develop, here are the risks you are taking:

  • Wisdom teeth pain can be very uncomfortable.  Your teen will probably develop the most severe symptoms in the middle of the night on a Saturday, if we buy into the whole “Murphy’s Law” philosophy.  If this happens, you will either find yourself in the ER or frantically trying to get a last minute appointment first thing Monday morning.
  • Dental crowding cannot be reversed by removing the wisdom teeth.  If you wait for dental crowding or orthodontic relapse to occur, plan on starting the whole orthodontic treatment all over again- the teeth won’t shift back into position without braces.
  • Tooth decay does not usually cause pain until the decay reaches the pulp of the tooth.  Once this happens, repair of the tooth is usually extensive and costly, assuming the decay can be repaired in the first place.  Second molars are important teeth- you definitely want your teen to keep them for a lifetime!
  • Chronic infection is annoying, painful and can actually progress into a serious health concern.  The same bacteria which cause gum disease cause chronic infection of the wisdom teeth.  Some of these bacteria have been identified as a possible catalyst to systemic health conditions such as heart problems.  At the least, chronic infection damages the gum tissue and results in loss of bone (which, by the way, holds the teeth in the jaw).  In rare cases, chronic infection can settle in the bone itself, a condition called osteomyelitis, which can be very serious and require hospitalization.
  • Cysts and tumors destroy precious jaw bone structure.  If left untreated, benign cysts and tumors associated with impacted wisdom teeth will continue to grow and destroy any bone in its path.  When there is extensive damage to the jaw bone, the jaw is at increased risk for pathological fracture.  Teeth are often damaged and lost when a cyst or tumor is left untreated.  Sometimes, pathology such as this becomes infected, further complicating the treatment required to resolve it.

This summer, if you received a referral from the orthodontist to have your teenager’s wisdom teeth extracted, don’t procrastinate.  Find out how urgent the issue really is before you make a decision.  Sometimes waiting is just fine- sometimes it is not.  Go for a consultation with an oral surgeon, get facts and answers.  Educate yourself on the pros and cons of wisdom teeth extraction, and make your decision based on what you learn.  If this information is helpful to you, share it with a friend!

May 14, 2013

Say Goodbye to Dentures With “Teeth In A Day”- Yes, You Can Afford It

Dr. Chilcoat @ 2:59 pm

dentures in a glassDoes this sound like you? You decided several years ago that a prosthetic denture was your solution for missing and damaged teeth. In the beginning, it all seemed to work pretty well. Sure, the denture needed some adjusting from time to time. Before you knew it, the denture was always loose, causing friction and sores on your gums. It hurt. You began using denture adhesives, but in time, you started taking the dentures out to eat. (What!?) These days, you only wear your denture when you are going out in public. Slowly, over the years, your diet became poor, you can’t enjoy a steak for dinner, in fact you avoid eating out in public due to your inability to chew food without embarrassment. You don’t laugh or smile as much as you used to, (what if the denture slips or falls out?!).

One thing has become very, very clear- A prosthetic denture does not work for you.

You Searched Google For “Dental Implants” And It Sounds Really Complicated

(And Really Expensive)

You’ve heard of dental implants for stable, permanent tooth replacement, and here you are, searching the internet for some way to make dental implants a reality for you. There are only 3 problems with just picking up the phone and scheduling an appointment with an implant dentist:

1. Dental Implant Cost

2. The time investment to completion

3. Your need for reliable information- NOT a sales pitch

What if I told you that a permanent solution to your loose dentures was possible, and that the 3 biggest roadblocks standing in your way are actually a lot smaller than you think?

Teeth In A Day- The All On Four Concept Made More Affordable


all on 4 dental implants

Full mouth replacement with only 4 dental implants

The idea is simple. Build a stable, fixed dental prosthesis on as few dental implants as possible. Make it function properly and look natural. With just four implants on top, and four implants on the bottom, you can replace a complete set of teeth and YES, you can do it in just one day.

Teeth in a day requires a personalized plan, a team approach and expertise in dental implantology. I will admit, it also takes a willing patient and a certain amount of money, but the money is far less than you expect, especially if you have received a free consultation and treatment plan at another prominent Dallas dental implant center.

Your All On Four dental implant team consists of dental specialists including Dr. Robert A. Weinstein (oral surgeon), a prosthodontist or restorative dentist of your choice, an experienced lab technician and YOU.

The most important member of the team is YOU.

Every patient is unique and there is no “one treatment fits all” approach when it comes to permanent tooth replacement. You will receive a personal consultation, taking your unique situation under consideration. If the All On Four solution is the best, most cost effective and functional solution for your individual case, it will be recommended to you along with a detailed plan for treatment including costs, important information and insurance or HSA contribution estimations. If the All On Four technique is not the best option for you, we will provide you with information about your best options.

How Does All On Four Dental Implant Treatment Work?


all on 4 dental implants

Complete upper restoration, courtesy Nobel Biocare

Your damaged natural teeth are removed and the dental implants are surgically placed in the jaw using a specialized technique that increases efficiency and strength. The next step is to take impressions and fabricate a provisional fixed prosthesis which upon completion is installed upon the implants. All of this takes place in the office, during one appointment, and you get to sleep peacefully through the whole thing. By the end of the appointment, you get to leave with a brand new smile.

The All On Four Concept was brought to market by Nobel Biocare, a leading dental implant manufacturer. Most dental implant systems have now made the technique available for use, and while we do use Nobel dental implants, we are also able to use the technique on a number of other high quality dental implant systems. This flexibility provides more options for you and for the members of your All On Four Team. Since only four dental implants are required per dental arch, there is less surgery and less cost involved than in a case of full dental replacement with 8 or more implants. In addition, having the advantage of installing a prosthetic restoration at the time of surgery enables more efficient use of your time.

What About The Cost of All On Four Dental Implants?

If you receive consultations and treatment plans from three different dental implant centers, you will no doubt be quoted three vastly different fees for the All On Four treatment. If you visit Dr. Robert A. Weinstein for one of those consultations, you will be pleased to learn that our fees for dental implants and the cost of the All On Four treatment is competitively lower.

Does a lower fee mean that there is something below standard about the quality of care, the implants themselves or the surgeon’s experience level? Absolutely not! The simple fact is, we believe in making dental implants more affordable to our patients. Compare your treatment plan from Dr. Weinstein with that of another Dallas implant center, and you will see a significant savings. Patients have the ability to choose the best option for treatment when their needed treatment is made




Dental Implant Experience Counts

With over 30 years’ experience in implant dentistry, Dr. Robert A. Weinstein has been involved in everything from dental implant research to evaluation of new dental implant systems for use in the United States. Dr. Weinstein has been personally trained by some of implant dentistry’s most prominent leaders. He continues his education frequently in order to remain current on the latest advances and trends in implant dentistry.

No One Size Fits All Dental Implant Treatment

You are a unique individual with a dental health situation which is different from anybody else. You deserve to be treated as the unique individual that you are. When you decide the time is right for you to receive a personal consultation and individual treatment plan based on your unique dental needs, give us a call. We are here when you are ready.


April 29, 2013

Impacted Wisdom Teeth- A Visual Guide

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:30 am
impacted wisdim teeth infographic

A Visual Guide To Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted, Erupted, Partially Impacted- What does all that even mean?  Your dentist has it in for your wisdom teeth, but at the moment they are not hurting you.  Before you decide to wait to act upon your dentist’s advice to remove your wisdom teeth, make sure you know all the facts about impacted third molars.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

When it comes to dental surgery, most people are of the attitude “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  This is a really great rule of thumb as long as you recognize that pain is not the only indicator of wisdom teeth problems.  In fact, there are many instances in which the third molars can be seriously dysfunctional and even destructive without experiencing pain.  Like most dental conditions, such as tooth decay and gum disease, pain does not usually enter the picture until the disease or condition has become quite advanced.  Your wisdom teeth are no different.  It’s a good idea to have your dentist examine your third molars for signs of pathology, disease, decay or other problems.  If he makes a recommendation to have the wisdom teeth removed, ask for an explanation about “why”, so you can understand if there are underlying problems that exist, but perhaps are not painful at the moment.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An impacted tooth is one which has not ‘erupted’ into the dental arch, in alignment with the other teeth.  It is positioned within the jaw bone, covered completely or partially with bone and gum tissue.  Just because a tooth is impacted does not mean it must be removed.  Some wisdom teeth are positioned in such a way that removal can cause more risk for complications than leaving the tooth alone.  Only an oral surgeon is best qualified to assess impacted wisdom teeth and make this determination.

Some signs of trouble with impacted teeth include:

  • Malpositioned tooth which has the potential to cause harm to the adjacent teeth
  • Improper tooth positioning which causes misalignment and crowding of the other teeth, especially after previous orthodontic therapy.
  • A wisdom tooth which has erupted only partially creates a prime environment for bacteria, resulting in chronic infection, gum disease, decay and pain.
  • Formation of destructive cysts around the wisdom tooth which can destroy jaw bone and cause loss of the adjacent teeth, infection or even pathologic jaw fracture

While the problems outlined in this graphic are not the only problems we see associated with impacted wisdom teeth, they are the most common.  Some of these problems do not cause physical pain until they have become advanced.  As with all dental problems, it’s usually less expensive, less traumatic and easier on you to take care of problems while they are still in their early stages.  Ask your dentist about the health of your wisdom teeth, or visit our Dallas oral surgery practice to find out whether your wisdom teeth are healthy enough to keep.



Impacted Wisdom Teeth- A Visual Guide – An infographic by the team at Impacted Wisdom Teeth- A Visual Guide

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April 22, 2013

Affordable Dental Implants- Affordable Enough For You!

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:42 pm

You Can Afford Dental ImplantsWhen thinking about replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you might throw the idea away because you are afraid of the cost. While it is true that dental implants are the most effective, reliable and natural feeling option for tooth replacement, the preconception that there is no such thing as affordable dental implants couldn’t be farther from the truth!

You Can Afford Dental Implants

There are some important facts to consider about replacing teeth, whether you need a single tooth replacement, multiple tooth replacement of full mouth dental implants.

Dental Implants Are:

· 97% Successful over more than 50 years of research

· The most reliable and natural looking/feeling treatment option

· Stronger than even natural teeth; eat what you want!

· A mainstream treatment option which has recently become more affordable than ever for patients

Save On the Cost of Dental Implants Without Compromising Quality of Care

As Dallas’ fair price leader, your Dallas dental implant dentist, Dr. Robert A. Weinstein, believes that implant dentistry should be affordable for everybody. Since they are usually the ideal treatment option for missing teeth, dental implants should not be reserved for only those of exceptional means.

When you have your dental implants procedure done by one of our trained oral surgery specialists, you will receive:

  • Fees up to 50% less than our competitors


  • Proven, highest quality dental implants backed by over 50 years of research and experienced surgeons                       with over  30 years experience in implant dentistry


  • Personal treatment planning attuned to your specific needs and desires


  • An easy, comfortable experience each step of the way


  • Easy financing and payment plan options


  • FREE Companion airfare voucher to send you on a vacation to celebrate your new smile!

(Limited time; while supplies last)

To Schedule Your Personal Consultation and Receive Your Affordable Dental Implants Treatment Plan,

CALL US TODAY! Check out our Specials Page for more information on how we make

We Make Dental Implants Affordable For Everybody


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