Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants Blog

December 26, 2023

Does Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 11:11 am
Close-up of IV drip with patient in background

Sedation is a valuable provision that dentists and oral surgeons often use to help their patients enjoy an easy, calm treatment experience. However, sedation can add significantly to the total cost of your care, so you might hesitate to commit to it. Could your insurance policy help you pay for sedation, or will you be left to manage its cost on your own? This blog post explains what you should know about how your coverage might apply.


December 13, 2023

4 Helpful Facts about Dental Insurance

Dr. Chilcoat @ 11:41 am
Couple sitting in front of computer, discussing dental insurance

Dental insurance is a wonderful provision that could help you save hundreds of dollars each year. Unfortunately, though, insurance can be confusing at times. Your policy may have some stipulations and limitations that you should be aware of. How can you get the most out of your benefits? This blog post explains four helpful facts that you should keep in mind.


November 10, 2023

Care Beyond the Chair: Lifestyle Changes for Dental Implant Success

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:12 am
A graphic depicting a woman with dental implants

Your dental implants aren’t just an investment in your smile; they are a long-term self-commitment to maintaining your oral and physical health. While the implant procedure itself is important, what you do when you’re not in the dental chair matters.

If you’re ready to start some lifestyle changes that can help make your dental implants last longer, continue reading.


November 7, 2023

Can Dental Implants Help Me Live Longer?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 6:37 pm
Woman has curious expression

Dental implants are considered the golden standard in tooth replacement. Since they look and work like real teeth, they can fill in the empty spaces in a smile, providing the patient with a more youthful appearance and restored chewing ability. While these benefits are significant, dental implants also help preserve your overall health. Here are some advantages dental implants bring to your general health.


October 4, 2023

4 Habits That Can Put Your Dental Implants at Risk

Dr. Chilcoat @ 2:24 pm
Woman standing next to a window and smiling

While dental implants do have a very high success rate, they can still fail under certain circumstances. As such, it is up to you to make sure that your implant posts receive the care they need to last as long as possible. One step you can take is to break any bad habits that could cause problems for your newly repaired smile. Below are 4 examples of habits that you should stay away from for the sake of your dental implants.


October 1, 2023

Can Your Dental Implants Rust?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 2:35 pm
Close-up of smile with a picture of a dental implant

There is no denying that dental implants can be an excellent option for people who are looking for a long-term solution for missing teeth. However, since dental implant posts are typically made out of metal, you may find yourself wondering whether they may rust over time. Is this something you truly need to be concerned about, and is there anything you can do about it? Your oral surgeon is here to help address these questions.


September 1, 2023

Do Tooth Extractions Cure Gum Disease?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 11:16 am
Gloved hand carefully holding extracted tooth

Gum disease is a potentially devastating oral health condition. It can adversely impact your ability to eat a balanced diet and smile with confidence. In its advanced stages, it can even cause your teeth to become loose! If you have been struggling with severe gum disease for a while, you may be contemplating the prospect of getting your teeth removed. But do tooth extractions actually cure gum disease? Or is there another reason why they are frequently part of a periodontal (gum) treatment plan? This blog post provides helpful information.


August 31, 2023

What Is Dry Socket? How Can You Prevent It?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 10:25 am
Illustration of dry socket after tooth extraction

Following a tooth extraction, most people return to feeling normal within a week or two. For some, it takes just a few days to bounce back. In rare cases, though, a complication known as dry socket develops. It can seriously slow down your healing process and cause a significant amount of pain. What is dry socket? What can you do to prevent it? This blog post provides practical information to help you enjoy a smooth recovery.


August 15, 2023

Is It Safe to Drink Coffee after a Tooth Extraction?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 10:44 am
Woman on sofa, sipping coffee

After you get a tooth extracted, you must go through a brief recovery period. During that time, it will be necessary for you to adjust some of your daily habits. For example, you may need to get more rest than usual and stick to eating soft foods. But what about your morning cup of Joe? Is it safe to drink coffee after a tooth extraction? This blog post explains what you should know.


July 2, 2023

What Issues Can Arise from Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 12:45 am
a patient suffering from an impacted wisdom tooth

The emergence of the wisdom teeth is a hallmark of young adulthood; however, these teeth often don’t show up in a timely or trouble-free manner. When they fail to erupt or align properly, can become impacted and give rise to several troublesome oral health problems. While not everyone experiences health issues related to their wisdom teeth, when it happens, it’s usually pretty unpleasant. Continue reading below to learn more about some of the problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth, along with how your dentist can help get your smile back to feeling great!

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