Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants Blog

October 8, 2015

Wisdom Teeth Removal with the Dallas Oral Surgeon

Dr. Chilcoat @ 3:13 pm

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is specially trained to perform many kinds of surgical procedures in and around the mouth, face and jaw. These surgeries include wisdom teeth removal, dental implant surgery, jaw realignment surgery and soft tissue repair. Thus, oral surgeons effectively bridge a gap between dentistry and medicine, and therefore must complete an additional four to eight years of specialized training beyond the years of education they receive in dental school.

September 17, 2015

You’ve Lost too Much Bone for Dental Implants, Now What?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:39 pm

Woman smiling with beautiful dental implants from texas wisdom teethMany patients who would love to restore their smiles with dental implants have been told that inadequate bone density is preventing them from the stable, natural looking smiles of their dreams. Lucky for you, implant dentistry advances every year, and your trusted North Texas oral surgeons at Texas Wisdom Teeth  help patients with bone loss or resorption get the permanent smile replacement results possible with dental implants. Call to find out more about dental implants, or to schedule your consultation with our Dallas, TX dental team today.

September 3, 2015

Missing Tooth? Know Your Replacement Options

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:08 am

Missing teeth can be fixed.If you’re suffering from the damaging effects of a missing tooth, you need to know that you have several options for replacement. Click to read and learn which is best for you.


August 25, 2015

What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal

tntadmin @ 9:40 am

x-ray of wisdom teeth

Whether wisdom teeth are impacted—meaning they have not yet erupted through your gum tissue—or not, having them removed necessarily involves surgery. This surgery is required to help you avoid future dental problems such as pain, infection, an abscess or damage to adjacent teeth. Like almost any other type of surgery, some discomfort and recovery time is to be expected after wisdom teeth removal. At Texas Wisdom Teeth in Dallas, TX, Dr. Chilcoat and his attentive team want you to be fully aware and prepared for what you can expect post-surgery, so your recovery will go as smoothly as possible.

February 22, 2015

Wisdom Tooth Problems

Dr. Chilcoat @ 3:15 pm
wisdom tooth problems

Decayed second molar caused by impacted wisdom tooth

Most adults have had wisdom tooth problems at some point in their life.  How do you know if you need to have the teeth removed or not?  The answer is not always dependent on whether or not you are experiencing tooth pain.  While these teeth, clinically referred to as third molars, do not always need to be removed, there are quite a few reasons why your dentist might recommend wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Tooth Pain

Your third molars often cause pain when they erupt (come in to the dental arch).  If the teeth are impacted, meaning they are trapped beneath gum tissue or bone, they can be chronically painful as the gums get inflamed or infected  A tooth impacted only partially can become a food trap and harbor bacteria and plaque which cause tooth decay.  Problems such as chronic infection, inflammation or cavities are indicators that wisdom teeth should be removed.

Cysts and Other Pathology

Sometimes, an impacted tooth forms a cyst around it.  A cyst is a fluid filled sac that can grow to be quite large.  As the cyst grows, it destroys healthy bone tissue in the jaw, which can cause a variety of dental problems.  Most cysts that form around the third molars are benign, but can be destructive. Over time, the cyst can damage the molars adjacent to it, leading to tooth loss. If your dentist sees a cyst growing around a wisdom tooth, he will likely recommend that you have it along with the tooth removed in order to prevent damage to healthy teeth later on.  A cyst around a tooth is often not painful or symptomatic, and is usually diagnosed using a panoramic x-ray.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth

When a tooth is impacted, it can be positioned in such a way that it tried to erupt directly into the roots of the tooth in front of it.  When this happens, the roots of the adjacent teeth can become damaged to the point that they cannot be repaired.  In a situation like this, the second molars are placed under a lot of pressure.  The pressure causes the teeth to move out of alignment.  Many people with impacted wisdom teeth find that their molars have shifted, causing them to frequently bite their cheeks when eating or talking.

Orthodontics and Wisdom Teeth

Many orthodontists recommend that their patients have their third molars extracted upon completion of their orthodontic treatment.  This is advised in order to prevent shifting of the teeth caused by pressure from the wisdom teeth.  After spending a year or two in braces, nobody wants their teeth to get crooked again!  Extracting the third molars can often help prevent some orthodontic relapse.

Does Everyone Need Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Not everybody needs to have their third molars extracted.  Some teeth come into the dental arch fully and in line with the other teeth.  If they are not difficult to keep clean and healthy, and show no signs of pathology, your dentist may tell you to leave them alone.  If your dentist recommends that you remove the teeth, it is a good idea to take care of the problem before major problems occur.

For more information about your wisdom teeth, or to schedule an appointment, visit Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants.



February 4, 2015

World Cancer Day – Oral Cancer Awareness

Dr. Chilcoat @ 12:03 pm

healthy smiling familyWorld Cancer Day is February 4, 2015. The team at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants wants you to know that early detection and prevention is the key when it comes to oral and pharyngeal cancer.

What is Oral Cancer?

Many other cancers are more well-known than oral/pharyngeal cancer, but the truth is, oral cancer is very common.  Oral cancer is diagnosed more frequently than cervical and ovarian cancer combined. Oral/Pharyngeal cancer affects the oral cavity, throat, tongue and mouth. 85% of head/neck cancers (excluding brain cancer) are oral cancers.
Oral/pharyngeal cancer has a high mortality rate due to the fact that so many cases go undiagnosed and undetected until the disease has progressed significantly. Sadly, 57% of patients diagnosed will lose their battle within 5 years. Early detection reduces the mortality rate of this cancer significantly, making complete remission and even curing the disease possible.


Why Oral Cancer Goes Undetected                         oral cancer detection

Early detection of oral cancer and pre-cancer is the key to surviving the disease. Most people do not realize that they are at risk for developing this type of cancer. In the past, it was believed that risk factors were largely limited to lifestyle habits such as alcohol and tobacco use.

In recent years, research has shown that age as well as the presence of the HPV-16 virus are important risk factors for developing oral cancer. 25% of all oral cancers are diagnosed in patients with no lifestyle risk factors. What this means is that every American adult should be carefully screened for oral cancer on an annual basis.

The most qualified person to perform an oral cancer screening exam is your dentist or oral surgeon.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

You should ask your dentist or oral surgeon to perform an oral-cancer screening on an annual basis. In addition, a monthly self-exam is a great idea. You can find instructions on performing a monthly self-exam here.

Signs and Symptoms to Look For:

• A sore or lesion which does not heal on it’s own within 2 weeks.
• A lump or thickening in the cheek
• White or red patches on oral soft tissues
• A sore throat or a feeling of something caught in your throat
• Difficulty moving your jaw or tongue
• Numbness or unexplained swelling in the jaw
• Chronic hoarseness

Help us raise awareness for oral and pharyngeal cancer by sharing this information. Support World Cancer Day by posting a “kiss” picture to your social profiles with the hashtag #KissCancerGoodbye, then schedule an appointment for a check-up and oral cancer screening exam.

Source: cancer.org; oral cancer foundation statistics

November 26, 2014

Implant Dentures Restore Quality of Life

Dr. Chilcoat @ 10:01 am

implant denture picturesDental implants are the most requested dental procedure today. They are  highly successful and versatile. At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, we talk to people every day about restoring missing teeth with dental implants. Fixed implant dentures could be the solution you are looking for.  Implant dentures are comfortable, permanent and affordable with monthly payments to suit your budget.

Implant Dentures Change Lives

One of the best things about restoring people’s dental health with implants is seeing their lives changed for the better through the treatment. We have heard a lot of personal stories from patients who have struggled with poor dental health or missing teeth for most of their lives. Some stories are very emotional, and hearing them really gives emphasis to the good we can do through this treatment.

The Challenges of Missing Teeth

When you do not have healthy teeth, the repercussions extend far beyond looks. Missing teeth have an impact on every part of life. Self-confidence suffers greatly and can hold people back from achieving their goals and desires. Maintaining a healthy diet can be impossible with missing teeth or an ill-fitting denture. So much of our lives are centered around sharing meals with family and friends, enjoying holidays together around a dinner table. When your dental health is poor, these simple pleasures become high stress.

No More Patchwork Dentistry

Some of our patients come to us, having done patchwork dentistry for many years. Individual teeth are removed as they break down, crowns turn into root canals and dental bridges. Later, the bridges fail and a partial denture is made. It becomes a vicious cycle, and can be emotionally defeating and tiresome. For many people, stopping the cycle, and investing in the All on 4 implant denture procedure is a game changer.

All on 4 Implant Denture

The All on 4 dental implant technique is completed in a single day. The damaged natural teeth are removed, dental implants placed, and a fixed prosthesis is installed in one sitting.  Our patients sleep comfortably through the entire procedure. Patients literally come into the office with their damaged teeth and leave with a brand new set of beautiful teeth attached to dental implants. This permanent, fixed solution is ideal for patients who want to restore their dental health as closely as possible to that of their natural teeth.

Take Control of Your Dental Health

If you can relate to any part of this article, you owe it to yourself to find out if dental implants can improve your quality of life. Your consultation and initial x-ray are free when you redeem this special offer. Find out if you are a candidate, get information on the cost of treatment and how YOU can afford to take back your dental health and function.

October 1, 2014

Dental Implant Cost- Real Life Advice for Your Budget

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:36 am

Straight Financial Talk With the Dental Implant Treatment Coordinator

dental implants cost and budget

Dental Implant Options Can Work With Your Budget


All our patients are concerned about dental implant cost. When your job is to help people restore their missing teeth with dental implants, you meet a lot of people who really need to replace their missing teeth or replace their denture with something more functional, permanent.  Most everyone agrees that dental implants are the strongest, most reliable and long lasting solution for missing teeth.  In fact, most of the great things people say about implants are true-

Implants can give you back your quality of life,

help boost self-confidence,

and they look and function like natural teeth.

The problem is that replacing your teeth,

especially ALL of your teeth,

with implants is expensive. 

Here is how I help patients plan and budget

for the cost of dental implants.


I have not met very many people who are able or willing to plunk down a large sum of money for tooth replacement.  It is not cheap by any stretch to completely restore dental form and function in this way, but it is widely accepted as the “gold-standard” for tooth replacement. My doctor says that dental implants replace teeth, prevent ongoing bone loss, and have a success rate of over 97%. Naturally, every one who is missing teeth would rather replace them with implants. My job is to help make that smart decision a financial reality.

Do Your Teeth Live in the Night Stand Drawer?

The people I meet are tired of gluing their dentures in every day and dealing with everything they eat being flavored with Fixodent.  Dentures slip, click, even fall out at the most inopportune moments.  A lot of people that I talk to are embarrassed about they way their teeth look.  They don’t smile.  They cannot eat what they want, much less maintain a healthy diet, due to the difficulties they have with chewing and biting their food.  A lot of people complain about digestive issues such as acid reflux, indigestion and other problems, and they blame their missing or damaged teeth. The cost of dental implants is often the greatest barrier between dysfunctional teeth and a restored mouth.  My goal is to help these people find a way to make dental implant treatment fit into their budget on a monthly basis.

Pooling All Resources for the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental insurance covers implant dentistry only sometimes, but when it does, it can take a nice big bite out of the total financial responsibility for patients.  Most dental PPO plans which cover implant dentistry pay about 50% of the cost, up to an annual maximum benefit.  PPO patients save even more money on the cost of treatment by going to an In-Network provider, such as Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants.  When there is insurance coverage, I get happy because I can cut a nice chunk of expense right out of the bulk of the fee.

HSA and Flex Medical: Since insurance never covers 100% of the cost of implant treatment, we need to look for other sources of financial help.  Patients who are prepared with even a 10-20% down payment set aside in savings find that crafting a monthly payment is easier on them.  In addition, there are a ton of employers who offer their employees a pre-tax Health Savings Account or Flex Medical Spending plan.  Since the funds in these accounts are deposited pre-tax, it’s almost like saving 20-25%.  If you know you need dental implants, now is the time to figure out how much to set aside in your HSA account beginning in January.

Financing: Once dental insurance coverage has been maximized and available personal funds have been allocated, we sometimes still have ground to cover.  If the combination of these things is not enough to cover the cost of treatment, we can look to financing.  Our office offers patients two products to finance their treatment cost.  Care Credit and Springstone Financial both offer 0% interest for the short term (up to 12 months).  In addition, these finance plans can extend the monthly payments all the way up to 84 months, if needed.  You do pay interest on those extended plans, so that is something to consider.  Paying for complete dental implant restoration for several years probably seems daunting, but in reality, we pay for cars for several years without a thought- only with a car by the time you pay it off, you have to go trade it in on a new one (and a new monthly payment).

Commercial Credit Cards: I recently found a website that works similar to Priceline that allows consumers to shop and compare credit card offers side by side.  I found that many of them offer no fees and 18 months at 0% interest on new purchases.  Sometimes, a financing option like this is exactly what is needed to achieve an affordable monthly payment.  You can check it out at comparecards.com if it sounds like something you could use.

Lay Away:  If none of the options for financing are a fit for you, you might not know that a ‘lay-away’ style payment plan might be available to you.  Patients on lay-away plans make a monthly payment of any amount they wish in order to build up a credit balance in their patient account.  Once they reach their goal, they have their treatment.  This is a great option for patients who want to steer clear of using their credit.

The Bottom Line on the Cost of Dental Implants

While the initial cost may be higher than other, less stable methods of tooth replacement, dental implants are the tried and true treatment method preferred by most dental patients.  Since they are intended to last for many decades, and more often than not last people the rest of their lives, they are extremely cost effective over time.  Combining methods of payment and pooling resources from insurance, employer sponsored plans and even financing can help make tooth replacement a comfortable reality.

Need More Detailed Information About Your Individual Case?

As the dental implant treatment coordinator with over 20 years experience in helping people just like you, please know that I am always available to try and help people with planning their treatment.  You can call me at the office 972-960-1111, and I will schedule you for a complimentary consultation and panoramic x-ray.  Once you know your options, I will walk you step by step through the wild dental insurance jungle and financial planning maze to the best of my ability.  Together, we will make your dental goals a reality.

Contact Me:

Dena Rathbun

Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants


September 19, 2014

Is a Screw Retained Denture Right for You? Take This Quiz

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:12 am
all on 4 dental implants

Full mouth replacement with only 4 dental implants

Are you tired of patchwork dentistry?  Are you losing your teeth one by one?  Do you wear a denture, or does it live in your nightstand drawer?  Does everything you eat taste like denture adhesive?  If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you might be a candidate for a screw-retained denture, also known as the All on 4 dental implant solution.  With monthly payments starting at just $350, your new smile may be just within reach.  To request a complimentary consultation for this life-changing treatment, complete this short survey and click ‘submit’.  One of our dental implant support team members will contact you with your date and time for a personal evaluation, panoramic x-ray and individual consultation about your options for taking back your dental health and appearance.

For more information about dental implant solutions, visit our website.



July 13, 2014

Wisdom Teeth Problems

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:46 am

The removal of wisdom teeth during the teen years and early 20’s is often recommended when symptoms and problems are present.  Wisdom teeth pain is the most common symptom, but not the only reason dentists prescribe removal of the third molars. Here is what you need to know about wisdom teeth problems.

wisdom tooth painWisdom Teeth Pain

The third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, come in during the teen years.  Pain from eruption of the teeth is common.  Sometimes the wisdom teeth do not come in all the way, a condition called ‘partial bony impaction’.  In cases such as these, the tissue surrounding the exposed portion of the tooth can become chronically irritated and inflamed.  If wisdom teeth cause pain, it is a good idea to have them evaluated by your dentist or oral surgeon to determine whether they need to be removed or not.


Infected Wisdom Teeth

Chronic infection of the soft tissue surrounding the exposed portion of an impacted wisdom tooth is called ‘pericoronitis’.  When left untreated, the infection can lead to gum disease, eventually involving the second molars.  It is not uncommon for gum disease to spread to the adjacent teeth, increasing the chances of losing the second molars in time.  Gum disease is a bacterial infection that attacks the bone and gum tissue surrounding the teeth.  As gum disease becomes more advanced, the bone is destroyed and gum tissue falls away.  This advanced stage of gum disease can cause teeth to become loose and painful.  Untreated gum disease almost always leads to tooth loss.

wisdom tooth problems

Bone loss behind second molar caused by impacted wisdom tooth

Damage to Adjacent Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth which are malpositioned often put pressure on the adjacent second molars.  Over time, this constant pressure can dissolve the roots of the second molars, leading to tooth decay and even tooth loss.  When wisdom teeth are impacted horizontally (laying down sideways) the risk of damage to the second molars is high.


Cysts and Tumors Around Wisdom Teeth

cysts in wisdom teeth

a cyst causes bone loss around both second and third molar

Sometimes, impacted wisdom teeth develop pathology such as cysts and tumors.  If this happens, it is important to remove the wisdom teeth to avoid damage to the jaw and teeth.  Cysts and tumors destroy healthy bone and can weaken the jaw bone, involve the adjacent teeth and cause pain.  In cases of advanced pathology, large cysts and tumors create a high risk of jaw fracture from the weakening of the jaw bone.  Additionally, cysts and tumors should be examined microscopically by a pathologist to ensure the growths are not malignant.


Removing Wisdom Teeth to Preserve Orthodontic Results

Braces are expensive, and once they come off nobody wants their teeth to get crooked again.  Orthodontists strongly recommend wearing orthodontic retainers for as long as possible following orthodontic treatment.  This is because they know that teeth can still shift back into crowding and misalignment without retention.  When wisdom teeth interfere with orthodontic results by placing pressure on adjacent teeth, they can cause orthodontic relapse.  Many orthodontists recommend the removal of impacted wisdom teeth in conjunction with orthodontic treatment in order to prevent the teeth from become crowded or crooked once the braces re removed.


tooth decay wisdom tooth

Decayed second molar caused by impacted wisdom tooth

Cavities in Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth are the last molars, far back in the jaw.  Their position makes dental hygiene more difficult.  For this reason, wisdom teeth often become decayed and develop painful cavities.  If this happens, the solution is often removal of the wisdom teeth, rather than repair.  Because they are difficult to keep clean, decay is often recurring.  Removing the decayed wisdom teeth makes it easier to keep the back teeth and gums healthy and cavity- free.


Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The best way to find out if your wisdom teeth are causing problems is to schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon.  Your oral surgeon will take an x-ray to evaluate the position, health and identify any pathology that may be associated with the wisdom teeth.  If problems exist, a plan will be recommended to remove them.  Wisdom teeth removal is considered minor surgery, and can be done in the oral surgeon’s office while you sleep comfortably.   Your doctor will review your medical history, explain the procedure and anesthesia, and give you special instructions to prepare for the procedure.  Expect to rest the rest of the day and plan 2-3 days to recover from the surgery.  For more information about wisdom teeth removal, visit our website.

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