November 10, 2023

Care Beyond the Chair: Lifestyle Changes for Dental Implant Success

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:12 am
A graphic depicting a woman with dental implants

Your dental implants aren’t just an investment in your smile; they are a long-term self-commitment to maintaining your oral and physical health. While the implant procedure itself is important, what you do when you’re not in the dental chair matters.

If you’re ready to start some lifestyle changes that can help make your dental implants last longer, continue reading.


November 7, 2023

Can Dental Implants Help Me Live Longer?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 6:37 pm
Woman has curious expression

Dental implants are considered the golden standard in tooth replacement. Since they look and work like real teeth, they can fill in the empty spaces in a smile, providing the patient with a more youthful appearance and restored chewing ability. While these benefits are significant, dental implants also help preserve your overall health. Here are some advantages dental implants bring to your general health.
