March 7, 2024

How Can I Get Some Sleep After Having My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 3:28 pm
Lady has difficulty sleeping

Recovering after having your wisdom teeth removed isn’t known to be the most comfortable situation, but knowing how to get some sleep during this period can help you get back to normal more quickly. While sleeping after a wisdom tooth extraction can be difficult sometimes, there are a few things you can do to help yourself drift off into a peaceful slumber. Here’s a short list of a few ways to make it easier to sleep after having your wisdom teeth removed.


March 6, 2024

Why Do People Have Wisdom Teeth?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 3:22 pm
Lady wonders about something

The human mouth hosts a variety of different types of teeth, with the wisdom teeth being one of them. The sharper teeth towards the front of the mouth bite and shred the food while the flat molars towards the back grind it into an easily digestible pulp. While you may think wisdom teeth are a completely useless nuisance, the truth is that they once served a valuable purpose in primitive times. Here’s what people have wisdom teeth, including how they were once quite useful.


March 4, 2024

How Can I Tell if My Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:06 pm
Dentist smiles

The wisdom teeth are the third and final set of adult teeth to emerge. They usually begin pushing their way through the gums between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, and they often cause a lot of problems in the process. If you have constant pain around your molars, it may be because of impacted wisdom teeth that need to be extracted by an oral surgeon. Here are a few signs that your wisdom teeth have become impacted.
