February 22, 2015

Wisdom Tooth Problems

Dr. Chilcoat @ 3:15 pm
wisdom tooth problems

Decayed second molar caused by impacted wisdom tooth

Most adults have had wisdom tooth problems at some point in their life.  How do you know if you need to have the teeth removed or not?  The answer is not always dependent on whether or not you are experiencing tooth pain.  While these teeth, clinically referred to as third molars, do not always need to be removed, there are quite a few reasons why your dentist might recommend wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Tooth Pain

Your third molars often cause pain when they erupt (come in to the dental arch).  If the teeth are impacted, meaning they are trapped beneath gum tissue or bone, they can be chronically painful as the gums get inflamed or infected  A tooth impacted only partially can become a food trap and harbor bacteria and plaque which cause tooth decay.  Problems such as chronic infection, inflammation or cavities are indicators that wisdom teeth should be removed.

Cysts and Other Pathology

Sometimes, an impacted tooth forms a cyst around it.  A cyst is a fluid filled sac that can grow to be quite large.  As the cyst grows, it destroys healthy bone tissue in the jaw, which can cause a variety of dental problems.  Most cysts that form around the third molars are benign, but can be destructive. Over time, the cyst can damage the molars adjacent to it, leading to tooth loss. If your dentist sees a cyst growing around a wisdom tooth, he will likely recommend that you have it along with the tooth removed in order to prevent damage to healthy teeth later on.  A cyst around a tooth is often not painful or symptomatic, and is usually diagnosed using a panoramic x-ray.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth

When a tooth is impacted, it can be positioned in such a way that it tried to erupt directly into the roots of the tooth in front of it.  When this happens, the roots of the adjacent teeth can become damaged to the point that they cannot be repaired.  In a situation like this, the second molars are placed under a lot of pressure.  The pressure causes the teeth to move out of alignment.  Many people with impacted wisdom teeth find that their molars have shifted, causing them to frequently bite their cheeks when eating or talking.

Orthodontics and Wisdom Teeth

Many orthodontists recommend that their patients have their third molars extracted upon completion of their orthodontic treatment.  This is advised in order to prevent shifting of the teeth caused by pressure from the wisdom teeth.  After spending a year or two in braces, nobody wants their teeth to get crooked again!  Extracting the third molars can often help prevent some orthodontic relapse.

Does Everyone Need Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Not everybody needs to have their third molars extracted.  Some teeth come into the dental arch fully and in line with the other teeth.  If they are not difficult to keep clean and healthy, and show no signs of pathology, your dentist may tell you to leave them alone.  If your dentist recommends that you remove the teeth, it is a good idea to take care of the problem before major problems occur.

For more information about your wisdom teeth, or to schedule an appointment, visit Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants.



February 4, 2015

World Cancer Day – Oral Cancer Awareness

Dr. Chilcoat @ 12:03 pm

healthy smiling familyWorld Cancer Day is February 4, 2015. The team at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants wants you to know that early detection and prevention is the key when it comes to oral and pharyngeal cancer.

What is Oral Cancer?

Many other cancers are more well-known than oral/pharyngeal cancer, but the truth is, oral cancer is very common.  Oral cancer is diagnosed more frequently than cervical and ovarian cancer combined. Oral/Pharyngeal cancer affects the oral cavity, throat, tongue and mouth. 85% of head/neck cancers (excluding brain cancer) are oral cancers.
Oral/pharyngeal cancer has a high mortality rate due to the fact that so many cases go undiagnosed and undetected until the disease has progressed significantly. Sadly, 57% of patients diagnosed will lose their battle within 5 years. Early detection reduces the mortality rate of this cancer significantly, making complete remission and even curing the disease possible.


Why Oral Cancer Goes Undetected                         oral cancer detection

Early detection of oral cancer and pre-cancer is the key to surviving the disease. Most people do not realize that they are at risk for developing this type of cancer. In the past, it was believed that risk factors were largely limited to lifestyle habits such as alcohol and tobacco use.

In recent years, research has shown that age as well as the presence of the HPV-16 virus are important risk factors for developing oral cancer. 25% of all oral cancers are diagnosed in patients with no lifestyle risk factors. What this means is that every American adult should be carefully screened for oral cancer on an annual basis.

The most qualified person to perform an oral cancer screening exam is your dentist or oral surgeon.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

You should ask your dentist or oral surgeon to perform an oral-cancer screening on an annual basis. In addition, a monthly self-exam is a great idea. You can find instructions on performing a monthly self-exam here.

Signs and Symptoms to Look For:

• A sore or lesion which does not heal on it’s own within 2 weeks.
• A lump or thickening in the cheek
• White or red patches on oral soft tissues
• A sore throat or a feeling of something caught in your throat
• Difficulty moving your jaw or tongue
• Numbness or unexplained swelling in the jaw
• Chronic hoarseness

Help us raise awareness for oral and pharyngeal cancer by sharing this information. Support World Cancer Day by posting a “kiss” picture to your social profiles with the hashtag #KissCancerGoodbye, then schedule an appointment for a check-up and oral cancer screening exam.

Source: cancer.org; oral cancer foundation statistics

September 11, 2013

National Day of Service- Oral Surgery Style

Dr. Chilcoat @ 2:08 pm

september 11 ribbonToday we remember 9/11 and honor the memory of all who lost their lives and their loved ones on that day.  12 years after the fact, we memorialize 9/11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.  What on Earth can an oral surgeon do to be of service on a day like this?  We decided to volunteer.

Today, we visited the Plano Senior Center, and it truly was an awesome experience.  Dr. Weinstein, his assistant Amanda and I presented information about the oral health-overall health connection to senior citizens at the community center.  We shared some valuable information about the relationship between gum disease and problems like diabetes and heart disease.  We performed free oral cancer screenings for participants.  It was good to spend some time providing a service to people who were interested in their health and well-being.

The best part of the the whole event came at the end of the presentation.  I made each of the participants a patriotic ribbon to wear on their shirt.  Each person in the room put theirs on.  We talked about where we were and what we were doing when the news came that the planes had hit. We talked for several minutes about how we all felt on that day.  We talked about other important tragedies of our lifetimes- the ones where you will always remember the details.  “Where were you when JFK was shot?  Do you remember what you were doing when the Challenger exploded?”  I realized that celebrating the anniversary of 9/11 with a day of service and remembrance is exactly the best way to recognize this important day in American history.

What happened between us, as we all shared our memories of that day, was exactly the same as what happened to all of us in the aftermath of 9/11.  We shared something important, and it brought us together.  What began as a seminar where a doctor was teaching health information to a group of spectators turned into real connection between fellow people.  We got to know each other, and we all gave a little bit of our lives to each other.  We shared stories and we talked about our families, our lives.

september 11 imageVolunteering today created a connection between people, between fellow Americans and between generations.  There is a great reward in being of service to others, and it doesn’t have anything to do with  feeling benevolent and it doesn’t have anything to do with points on a score card for good deeds.  The reward that comes with being of service is in the heart, when the people you meet and make a connection with share a little piece of their lives with you, that is what you get out of being of service.  I can’t wait to do it again!



July 1, 2013

Have You Heard of Full Mouth Implants In a Day?

Dr. Chilcoat @ 8:43 am

Dental patients across Texas are searching for the best way to replace missing teeth without dentures.  For many, the All On Four implant technique is the answer to struggling with painful or ill-fitting dentures.

How Does All On Four Work?

all on 4 dental implants

Full mouth replacement with only 4 dental implants

When all the teeth are missing, an entire dental arch (upper or lower set of teeth) can be replaced using just four precisely positioned dental implants.  Four implants are surgically placed in the jaw.  A provisional prosthesis (hybrid denture) is fitted and installed on the dental implants allowing for the patient to achieve immediate dental restoration.  This means that a patient can walk into the office with no teeth or a mouth full of damaged teeth, and leave with a brand new beautiful set of permanent teeth.

Treatment with the All On Four technique is highly specialized and requires a team approach which consists of an experienced surgeon, a restorative dentist and a dental lab technician.  The team works together, each providing expertise in their own area of specialization to achieve same day dental implant results.

Where Can You Get All On 4?

While the technique has been practiced for more than 10 years, and has become well known as the premiere dental treatment for tooth replacement, expertise in the All On 4 technique is not as widespread as with single tooth dental implants.  Patients in Texas must travel to a major city in order to receive the treatment.  Traveling to Dallas can be a smart decision when pursuing full mouth dental implants.  The All On Four technique provides some considerable advantages

  • Fixed teeth (attached to the implants) are delivered on the day of surgery
  • Fewer implants means more cost-effective treatment
  • A team approach, providing expertise in a multi-specialty setting
  • Dental implants are the best available treatment for missing teeth

Interested In Finding Out If All On 4 Is Right For You?

The best way to find out if the all on four dental implant technique is the best option for your full mouth replacement is to schedule a consultation appointment.  At your consultation you will have the opportunity to have a personal one on one conversation with your doctor to establish your dental goals and discuss options for treatment.  If the All On 4 technique is the best option for you, our doctors and team will work with you to plan for the treatment, assist with budgeting for costs and create a timeline for treatment.  If you are traveling to Dallas for the procedure, our team will be happy to assist you with everything from booking travel to arranging for a hotel stay.  We can even have your prescriptions delivered to your hotel.

Want More Information About All On Four?

Give us a call today and speak with our dental implant treatment coordinator.  You can reach us by phone at 972-960-111, via email at care@texaswisdom.com or via live chat right on our website.




June 23, 2013

How To Save Money On Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Texas

Dr. Chilcoat @ 5:51 pm

Your dentist has recommended that you have your wisdom teeth removed, and you are likely nervous about having oral surgery.  You are not alone!  Most people have some very valid concerns about having wisdom teeth surgery, and at the top of the list is often the cost of oral surgery.

Don’t Panic About Oral Surgery

Save Money on Wisdom Teeth in TXThe cost of any surgery is a reason for concern.  The first thing to do when planning your procedure is a little research.  Online research is probably what has led you to this article, so good for you!  Information on surgery prices can be a little hard to find online.  At the Dallas oral surgery offices of Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, we post the fees for some of our most popular procedures right on our website in order to make it easy for you to plan for the cost of surgery.  To compare prices on wisdom teeth extraction in Texas, you can conduct a search using this tool:


Cost estimates vary widely, but the average cost Nationwide is about $1650-$2300.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, patients can receive a package fee of $1185, which includes exam, xrays, surgical removal of up to 4 wisdom teeth and IV General Anesthesia.  This special price is available all summer long and is available to patients who are not utilizing insurance benefits.


Maximize Your Dental Coverage To Save On Oral Surgery

If you have dental coverage, make sure you understand your plan and utilize the benefits to maximize your coverage.  Use an “In-Network” provider to receive special discounts on fees.  Make sure you have not depleted your annual benefit before having surgery.  Most dental plans will cap the amount they will pay on your behalf in a calendar year.  If you are not sure about how your plan works, talk to your HR representative before moving forward with surgery.  To learn more about how to maximize dental insurance for wisdom teeth removal, read this special report.


Consider Your Financing Options For Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Many dental offices and oral surgeons offer special financing options for patients in order to help spread the cost of oral surgery out over time.  Many financing plans offer low or no-interest plans.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants, we offer no interest payment plans for 6 months on wisdom teeth removal.  For more information on payment plans for oral surgery, click here.

Consider Traveling To A Lower Cost Area To Save On Wisdom Teeth Removal

Fees for services such as wisdom teeth extraction vary depending on geographical areas.  If you live in an area where healthcare costs are high, consider traveling to a surgeon in a lower cost area.  Patients across Texas travel to Dallas to save money on wisdom teeth removal.  We see patients from Waco, Sherman, Midland and even as far away as Austin.  You might find that the cost of driving to Dallas and spending a night in a hotel is worthwhile if your savings is several hundred dollars or more.  If you are traveling to Dallas for wisdom teeth removal, our helpful team can assist you in finding accommodations near our office.  As an added bonus, patients who have their oral surgery at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants can claim a voucher for FREE Companion Airfare anywhere in the contiguous United States while our supplies last!  Talk about savings!  Not only can you save on the cost of surgery, but you can save on a future vacation as well.

With a little research and planning, you can save money on the cost of wisdom teeth extraction.  The team at Texas Wisdom Teeth Associates in Dallas can help.  Give us a call today to schedule your consultation appointment.


Free consultation and panoramic x-ray coupon


February 7, 2013

Top 10 Dental Pins On Pinterest- And Some Honorable Mentions We Love

Dr. Chilcoat @ 1:36 pm


Pinterest is a website giant in the world of social media.  Do you Pinterest?  Dental offices and dental specialists all over the country are having a great time on Pinterest, sharing information, dental educational tools and silly dentist jokes.  At Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implant, we wanted to find out what some of the most popular dental related “pins” on Pinterest are.  Here is our Top 10 List of Dental Pins on Pinterest, for your enjoyment!  Feel free to share these if you like and pin, pin, pin!

# 10 Dental Cookie Cupcakes 162 Repins!

dental cookie cupcakes

By Ellie’s Bites










#9 Dental Office Parking, 168 Repins

Dental Office Parking Only Sign

Dental Office Parking Only











Get it here: http://www.MyParkingSign.com

#8 The Worst Job In The World!  164 Repins

Dental Cartoon The Worst Job in the World

found on unique dental care.com











#7 No Grinding!  231 Repins




No Grinding Dental Cartoon

No Grinding Dental Cartoon repinned 231 times
















#6 I Want YOU To Brush




I want you to brush your teeth poster

Our #6 Popular Dental Pin has been Repinned 233 times!

















#5 Home Remedies To Alleviate Dental Pain-  308 Repins!




Toothache Picture

#5 “Home Remedies for Dental Pain” 308 Repins

















#4 Flossing With Legos  352 Repins




Flossing With Legos photo

#4 has been repinned 352 times we got it from abcand123learning.com
















#3 Dental Education and Marshmallow Teeth  354 Repins




Marshmallow Teeth Project- Ironic?

Does anybody else thing that making teeth from marshmallows for a class project is ironic? 354 people repinned this one.


















#2 I Can Brush My Teeth! 398 Repins




I Can Brush My Teeth Dental Educational Project

#2 Has been repinned 398 times from lessonplandiva.com

















#1  Dental Office or Museum Exhibit? 407 Repins




Dental office or museum exhibit?

I’ve heard this is actually an exhibit at a science museum. Who knows?














Honorable Mentions:

While being the most popular on Pinterest is a great thing, here are some pins we love even though they haven’t been re-pinned 100’s of times (yet).   Hope you enjoy!

Dental Nostalgia ad for Cocaine Tooth Drops

Dental Nostalgia Dental History advertisement








Do It Yourself Tooth Extraction

Do It Yourself Tooth Extraction









Dental Implant vs. Bridge Infographic

Dental Implant vs. Bridge Infographic




































peace love and dental hygiene

Peace, Love, Dental Hygiene


January 8, 2013

Dental Outreach in Nairobi- A Fulfilling Experience

Dr. Chilcoat @ 9:30 am

Personal Growth Through Service

A third year dental student at USC’s Ostrow School of Dentistry, my son, Joshua Weinstein is passionate about his career choice.  Josh is always excited and motivated to work and to help others.  I took it with a grain of salt the first time he mentioned that he would like for me to accompany him on a dental outreach mission in Nairobi.

Kenyan dental outreach mission

"This experience... to do good for people will change your life, Dad".

“This experience and opportunity to do good for people will change your life, Dad”, he said. He had spent time in Africa before, providing dental care and humanitarian aid to some of the poorest communities in the world.  As the idea began to take hold in my mind, I began to realize that the scale of this outreach project was much greater than the ones I had participated on previously in Mexico and other countries.  I also decided that having an opportunity to positively impact the lives and health of people who had never even seen a dentist or, in many cases, never used a toothbrush, was something I could not let go.  Having the opportunity to work on a project like this, side by side with my son, seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime chance.  I had to go.



Dental Supply Companies Help The Cause

In the weeks leading up to the mission trip, I was able to secure generous donations of supplies and instrumentation which

Dr. Weinstein, Josh Weinstein and Dr. Hyodo

Taking a break from the long day

would be needed to provide these patients with safe and comfortable oral surgery services.  Through the generosity of Colgate, Henry Schein and ACE Surgical, I was given many supplies that would be needed to take care of patients in the temporary clinic with the same high standard of care and safety that I provide in my own Dallas oral surgery practice.  What didn’t come in through donations I provided myself, and relied upon the supply donations which were made to the Outreach Project through corporate support and private donations.

In mid-November, I began to tell some of my patients here in Dallas about the mission trip.  I was getting really excited about going.  A patient of mine with familial ties in Nairobi told me that she knew about the dental clinic.  She knew people who were traveling from up to 100 miles away to get in line for the clinic.  Some of her coworkers at a local bank were also from Nairobi, and I began to receive regular updates about the excitement building over there in anticipation of our arrival.  Knowing that people were coming from so far away, a month in advance, to have the opportunity to receive professional dental services was very humbling.  I awaited our departure date with great anticipation.

The Road To Nairobi

The Doctor(s) Weinstein, providing care to a patient

The Doctor(s) Weinstein, providing care to a patient

Traveling to Nairobi is no small feat.  After almost 2 full days, two long  intercontinental  flights, we arrived tired, but excited.  The clinic was being housed in an open-air structure with one wall and three curtains.  Normally used as a church, the structure was literally transformed overnight into a modern and functional dental clinic.  The supplies and much of the equipment had not arrived, and were delayed 2 full days.  Somehow, we were able to scrounge up what we needed to take care of those who had been waiting with patient anticipation to receive dental care for the first time in their lives.  The participants of the USC Dental Humanitarian Outreach Project consist of students and faculty of the dental school.  A student run organization, the Kenya Project is their largest endeavor so far, and is also the largest dental outreach project in Kenya’s history.

I Am So Proud To Have Been A Part Of This

Dental Outreach in the second largest slum in Kenya

Touring the poverty stricken slums near the clinic

In all, 51 dental professionals and 37 support people spent one week in the second largest slum in Kenya, providing quality dental care, hygiene instruction, supplies and treatment to some of the most amazing people I have ever met.  I am so proud to have been one of them.

In the coming weeks, I plan to share the experiences and insights I gained during this week of service.  I hope you enjoy reading about it.  If you would like more information about future missions organized by USC Dental Humanitarian Outreach, or to make a gift, follow this link.

More Photos

December 13, 2012

The Death of a Dental Implant: Prevent Implant Failure

Dr. Chilcoat @ 10:46 am

If you have one or more dental implants, or are considering dental implants for tooth replacement, you might think that once you have your implants, you won’t need to worry about seeing your dentist again.  While it is true that dental implants can be a permanent solution for missing teeth, they are not without susceptibility to failure. 

Permanently successful up to 98% of the time, dental implants are by far the most predictable, reliable and permanent treatment option.  Like anything else in life, nothing can be guaranteed 100% of the time.  Let’s take a look at some of the most important factors that help dental implants to stay with you for the rest of your life.  What are dental implants?  Find out by clicking this link.

How To Be Part Of The 98%?

If you are investing in tooth replacement with dental implants, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your treatment is a success.  To help ensure that you are part of the 98% success rate, there are a few things you should know about dental implants.  Being well informed about the limitations, possible complications and best practices for implant success will help you keep a strong, healthy smile for a lifetime.   Click this link for information about the cost of dental implants.

Most Dental Implants Which Fail Will Do So Within The First 6 Months

The most critical period of time for a dental implant occurs between implant placement and complete osseointegration (the process of the implant becoming firmly set in bone).  If a dental implant fails, it will almost always do so during the initial healing period.  There are several clinical factors which can contribute to implant failure during the healing period after initial placement.  Some of these factors include poor dental hygiene, systemic diseases such as diabetes which can interfere with healing, infection, and failure of bone healing.  It is extremely important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding dental hygiene and clinical follow up in order to help ensure dental implant success.

Professional Cleaning Required

In addition to keeping your teeth, implants and gums healthy with good personal oral hygiene at home, it is important to maintain regular dental check- ups and professional cleanings with your general dentist.    Although dental implants cannot decay, the gum and bone tissue around them are still susceptible to periodontal (gum) disease.  The leading cause of dental implant failure beyond the initial placement is gum disease.  Keep your gums and implants healthy by maintaining your professional dental cleanings and check -ups.  Have your implants inspected every 4-6 months to detect excess wear and potential problems early.


Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Watch Now!

Take Care of Problems Promptly

If you detect any problems with your dental implant, see your dentist or oral surgeon right away.  Problems with dental implants will not heal themselves, so if you experience anything unusual with your gums or implants, it is a good idea to have them examined right away.  You will help to ensure the highest success rate possible as well as a lifetime of healthy smiles when you maintain your dental implants and follow the instructions for care provided by your dental implantologist.



October 24, 2012

Dental Emergencies Always Seem to Happen At the Exact Wrong Time

Dr. Chilcoat @ 11:40 am

Tips For Coping With The Cost of Tooth Extraction

Emergency Tooth ExtractionAs a working mom, scout leader and a parent with kids in multiple activities, my day is pretty busy.  In fact, I rarely get the chance to slow down long enough to catch my breath these days.  If you’re like me, when life moves at a speed less than 100 miles per hour, it almost feels like something is wrong.

My life is definitely a far cry from “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”, in fact it plays out more like “Lifestyles of the Stressed and Over committed”.  If you can relate, then this post is for you.

As an oral surgery professional, I’ve learned a few things that are absolute truths when it comes to tooth extractions, dental emergencies and the unexpected.

Your Teeth Will Almost Always Choose the Most Inconvenient Time to Rebel Against You

If you have a big life event coming up soon, are traveling out of the country or getting married, you might want to schedule a dental check- up before the big day.  For some reason, painful or unsightly dental emergencies such as an abscessed tooth, fractured tooth or broken dental crown always seem to happen right before a big event.  Perhaps it’s the added stress surrounding the event which exacerbates an existing problem.  One thing is for certain when it comes to tooth extractions- they are almost never expected by the patients.  It also seems extremely predictable that problems such as toothaches, swelling and abscess begin late on Friday nights, causing their victims to cope with pain and discomfort all weekend long until their dentist office opens on Monday morning.  If this happens to you, my advice is to go ahead and call your dentist’s emergency phone number for help and instructions.  If you need to have the tooth extracted, and must be referred to an oral surgeon like Dr. Robert A. Weinstein ask your dentist to call on your behalf to schedule the appointment.  Your dentist can relate the urgency of your situation much more clearly to the oral surgeon’s office.  The chances of getting a same-day appointment for your tooth extraction increase significantly when your dentist makes the call.  Our Dallas Oral Surgery practice makes it our policy to schedule same day tooth extraction appointments whenever possible in any urgent situation.


An Emergency Tooth Extraction Will Happen When Your Wallet is Thinnest

If you have just returned from an expensive vacation, just paid for your daughter’s wedding or have just maxed out your benefits under your dental plan, watch out, because these are financial circumstances which seem to set you up for requiring emergency oral surgery or a tooth extraction.  Again, schedule an appointment with your dentist every 6 months to make sure everything is in tip-top shape.  Catching problems before they become emergencies is the best way to avoid unexpected costs with tooth extraction.  If an emergency does happen, and you find yourself at the oral surgeon’s office with a big toothache and a thin wallet, don’t panic.  Good communication with the business office team is the key to success in this situation.  You would be surprised at the financial resources available to dental patients.  Communicate honestly with the business office team about your limitations.  Ask for options available for deferred payment, interest-free financing and taking advantage of insurance benefits or health savings accounts.  At our North Dallas oral surgery practice, we never want to see a patient leave our office in pain… we’re here to help.  There are several options available to patients who find themselves short on cash and long on dental pain.  Some examples which may be available to you are:

  • Interest free financing through Care Credit
  • ACH checking account withdrawls (monthly payments)
  • Insurance Discounts (Get The Most Out of Your Dental Plan)
  • Cash payment discounts
  • Payment by HAS

schedule an appointment for oral surgeryIf you find yourself in an emergency dental situation, don’t delay and don’t try to treat yourself at home.  Another thing I’ve learned in oral surgery is that teeth don’t repair themselves and nothing takes care of pain as quickly as eliminating the source of it.

For emergency tooth extraction, oral surgery and dental implants information, contact Dr. Robert Weinstein and his helpful, compassionate team at Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants.

To apply for dental financing through Care Credit, click here.



September 27, 2012

How To Know If You’ve Chosen The Right Oral Surgeon

Dr. Chilcoat @ 2:09 pm

Years ago, and I mean quite a few years ago, if you received a referral to an oral surgeon from your dentist, you just called the specialist up and scheduled an appointment.  You didn’t have much of a choice about where you went.  You only had to go see him once or twice and that was the end of it.

It’s Not The “Good Ol’ Days” Anymore

This transaction style Raise your expectations for healthcare providersmethodology created an environment where oral surgeons didn’t have to work very hard to create happy patients.  Expectations were low and people didn’t feel like they had a choice.  Let’s face it, everybody hates going to an oral surgeon anyway.  Most every oral surgeon with a license is competent and does a good job, clinically.  After all, oral surgeons, like any medical professionals are trained to be competent surgeons.  As is the fact with many referral driven specialty practices, oral surgeons did not instinctively recognize that providing a positive customer experience for their patients was critically important.   Before I create a controversy by writing that oral surgeons don’t care about or are not good at patient service, I would like to say that there are many who have always provided the highest level of patient service and have always created a friendly, comfortable environment for their patients.  Patient service is just not something that comes naturally to some people, and in a referral driven environment, the focus has not always been on maximizing the patient’s positive experience.

Our Oral Surgery TeamWait!  I’m Not Bashing Oral Surgeon’s Patient Service!

I’m not bashing specialty providers’ patient service skills in this article.  In fact, I want to point out that over the past decade or so, a gigantic shift has taken place in dental medicine, especially where specialists are concerned.  Surgeons and specialists have really gotten into the driver’s seat when it comes to patient service and experience.  How did they finally wake up, you ask?

Patients (consumers) like you have made that happen.


As competition in the marketplace has increased and information has become more readily available on the internet, patients themselves have created a shift in the level of patient service that they demand from any provider of care, even a specialist!

How Do YOU Pick a Specialist?

Customer Service Counts!

There are a number of things that motivate people to choose one specialist over another (yes, people now have options).  Many people are motivated to choose a particular doctor based on the way that they are treated by the staff when they call to make an inquiry. In other words, customer service counts!  Health care consumers have demanded to be treated well by their providers.  People want to go where they are most comfortable, listened to, understood and where the doctor and the staff take a personal interest in them both as a person and as a patient.

Google It!

Patients no longer blindly follow the referrals of their primary doctors.  The internet provides a great way to research their own condition, find alternative specialists and provide more options to choose a specialist that they feel will meet their needs.  Reasons a patient may choose one specialist over another include whether or not their insurance plan is accepted, how close the office is to their home or place of business, and whether or not they like the business office receptionist when they call.   The office environment, friendliness of the staff and whether or not the office seems organized and efficient are all contributing factors in the decision making process for patients looking for a specialist.

The availability of information on the internet is a huge driving factor for patients when choosing a specialist.  Most people now use the internet to find information they need about products or services.  Medical and dental services are shopped for online more than through any other source.  So what are people looking for when they ‘shop’ for an oral surgeon online?

  • Research on their condition
  • Researching their treatment options
  • Comparing prices
  • Assessing value
  • Judging patient service and atmosphere


Is Texas Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants Right For You?

We understand that DFW is a big place, full of many oral surgeons.  There are over 100 of them right here in DFW.  You have choices, and we want you to make the one that is right for you.  We don’t think that our practice is right for everybody.  There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to choosing an oral surgeon.  Here is how we stand out from the crowd:

We take care of people. We work hard to understand just how to meet you where you are coming from, and will take cues from you when interacting with you.  Are you a very busy person?  You might not want to beat around the bush when it comes to planning your needed treatment… the fewer appointments the better.  Are you very conscientious?  Maybe you want to research your condition and treatment options very thoroughly, ask a lot of questions and get multiple specialist’s opinions before moving ahead.

Are you extremely cost-conscious?  We love it when people ask us about prices!  Aside from being confident in our clinical and surgical expertise, we are not full of ourselves when it comes to money.  The bottom line is that we believe in providing excellent surgical care in a warm and friendly environment and at a price that is reasonable and fair.We treat you the way you want to be treated

Our fees are carefully structured at the low end of the average for our area.  In fact, we make it a point to keep our fees on the low end of normal.  We think everybody should be able to afford exceptional patient care and surgical results.  We offer creative ways to fit surgery fees into your budget so you can afford the care you need.

Are you afraid of the dentist and need someone to provide extra emotional support for you?  Our team is trained to get to know you and to treat you the way YOU want to be treated.  They don’t treat you the way THEY would want to be treated.

We work with you primary care dentist to ensure that your treatment plans are well communicated, well thought out and we strive to keep everybody on the same page where your care is concerned.  We take a straightforward and down to Earth approach, making sure that we are striving toward YOUR goals and needs, not our own.  We won’t try to “sell” you something you don’t want or don’t need.

One Final Word of Advice

Don’t pick your oral surgeon just because he is in your network!  Pick a surgeon who understands you, wants to get to know you and who is ready and willing to meet your needs according to YOUR goals and desires, not the other way around.





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